Welcome To EasyRisk CMS

Welcome to your brand new website. To show some of the features that you have available at your fingertips we have created some example content for you.

Because First Impressions Last

All pages and posts you create have a primary image and excerpt available that you can use both to create nice looking headers for your content, but also when listing or linking to it on your site. These fields are totally optional and can be disabled for each content type.

Add, Edit & Rearrange

Build your content with our powerful and modular block editor that allows you to add, rearrange and layout your content with ease.

New content blocks can be installed or created in your project and will be available to use across all content functions. Build complex regions for all of the fixed content you want on your content types.

Cross-Link Your Content

With our new Page and Post Link blocks it's easier than ever to promote, and link to your content across the site. Simple select the content you want to reference and simply use it's basic fields including Primary Image & Excerpt to display it.

Start the Broker App

Get started by visiting our official broker app

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Go to the Backoffice

Get started by visiting our official backoffice site

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